Correction: not a black pack, but a “diverse” pack

The text of the CBS story about the gang attack on a 13 year old boy in Englewood, New Jersey in which several bones of his face were broken and one of his eyes is at risk has been changed, with the victim and one of his attackers being described as “Hispanic” and the gang being described as “diverse.” See the discussion I have added to the entry.


December 26

Mark Jaws writes:

As VFR’s resident expert on “Hispanics,” I will remind my fellow readers that Hispanics can be any race. If they are from Central America or Mexico, they are likely to be Mestizo or full blood Indian. If they are from the Caribbean they are likely to be white, mulatto, or black. I have known scores of Puerto Ricans who have light brown or blond hair, combined with blue or green eyes. For example, Jose Canseco is obviously white, and Roberto Clemente was obviously black, but both are considered “Hispanic.” If Roberto Clemente and a pack of black Puerto Ricans beat up on Jose Canseco and his white family strictly on racial grounds, that should be considered a racially motivated crime.

The victim in the Englwood case is clearly a white Hispanic. The pack of perpetrators no doubt contained blacks and dark skinned Hispanics. So even though this was a racially motivated attack, the PC reporter took the obvious and expected road and downplayed the racial angle, even though I am CERTAIN that a picture of the victim and perps would clearly indicate the perps were dark-skinned and the victim was white.

Paul Nachman wrote (12-24):

Ah, have you noticed that the story at the link you provided has changed? And it’s now time-stamped 3:48 p.m. on 12/23. And now it says that the victim and attacker are both Hispanic. You’ve probably noticed that.

I’ll stand, firmly, by my statement that, despite what the story says, the victim Muneton isn’t Hispanic. He’s a white-bread kid, pudgy, with red cheeks … However, now that I’ve watched the video at that page and heard the pronunciation of his name (moon ee TONE) and seen that his classmates are dominantly black or Hispanic (not certain I saw any whites), I wonder if this kid might be a white Hispanic, since Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race. Anyway, there’s no way I’ll believe this kid is a mestizo, which is what this is really about. (You or I would be considered Hispanic if we’d grown up in Mexico.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 24, 2009 12:17 PM | Send

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