Some non-Islam theories of Mutallab
Mike Berman writes:
If you were forced to live under these conditions in London, wouldn’t you want to end it all and bring as many with you as you could? ![]()
But he had completed his three years of engineering studies in Britain, his British student visa had expired, and he wasn’t able to get another British visa. So maybe that’s why he did it—out of frustration with a West he loved that excluded him, like a man killing a woman who has dumped him. Except that he had just been given a very generous two year visa for the United States. So scratch that theory.Mike Berman continues:
If you care to see this edifice in all its glory, go to No.2 Mansfield Street W1, London, England in Google street map view. I can’t imagine a more magnificent structure.LA replies:
I’ve followed Mike’s instructions and I’m astonished. By tapping the left or right arrow key, you get a 360 degree view of the block. How did Google do this? Did they send out teams of photographers taking multiple photographs of every street and building in the world?Mike Berman writes:
All of the fools who keep throwing charity at the Palestinians, because they imagine that poverty creates terrorists, should see this.LA replies:
What we need are photos of his father’s home in Nigeria.Mike Berman replies:
Your wish is my command:LA writes:
Thanks for this. The photo and caption come from this ABC article, which I will quote in a subsequent entry.Mike Berman writes:
But notice, the father doesn’t actually live in that structure. He only appears there for special occasions. Do you think he cares to spend the bulk of his time in his stinking excuse for a country? In all likelihood, he luxuriates in the West somewhere under circumstances not unlike those of his wayward son.Mikc Berman writes:
You wrote:A. Zarkov writes:
For a better aerial view of No.2 Mansfield Street W1, London use Google Earth—the resolution is somewhat better than Google Maps. Zoom down to the rooftop of No.2 and you can see an inner courtyard with gardens. It’s a little hard to make this out, but it’s there.Edward writes:
In addition to the fact that the West is highly naive it should be noted that the airline terrorist comes from a family of assimilated people. Yet he became an extremist. Liberals hope that with time Third World people will assimilate into Western culture and values.LA replies:
Good line.Rick U. writes:
This sounds like Thomas Friedman’s assertion that Muslim’s are radicalized in the West rather than in their native country. How can this be proven? The problem is that there is no control group we can cite to verify the thesis, i.e., we cannot say they are radicalized in the West because they are the only radical Muslims in the West, and yet they are certainly not the only radical Muslims in the world. The fact that they have the wealth to move around in the West, can blend in with their surroundings, speak English, have some technical proficiency, and thus the opportunity carry out these attacks seems more plausible as an explanation than just being “alienated individuals.” Common sense suggests that they are radicals because Islam itself is radical, and they are recruited as soldiers in the global jihad because they have experience in Western culture which gives them a better chance of success than the same radical who lives as a Bedouin in some desert in the Middle East.___________
Note: see my catalogue of non-Islam theories of Islamic extremism.
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