Paul Nachman’s Short Course On America’s Immigration Disaster

As an aid to activists in the upcoming immigration battles, Paul Nachman has written a 10,000 word article (pdf) in the current issue of the Social Contract. The article, he explains in an introduction to it at Vdare, consists mainly of short excerpts from various writings about immigration, most of them taking between five and ten minutes to read, plus his own commentary tying together the items in a logical flow. His aim, he explains,

is to put before you seminal readings that are less daunting projects than reading whole books. The approximately 30 items cited below, with links provided in the Endnotes, are articles (plus a video and a poster) that have impressed me, over about the last dozen years, as particularly memorable and instructive.

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Laura G. writes:

I see that Paul Nachman is referring very correctly to your booklet “The Path To National Suicide.” It is a key, mighty, and meaty work, but is not in the public eye as it should be. That has led me to think about another much-neglected work. In 2007, considerably after your work was published, Robert Putnam ( “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century—The 2006 Johan Skytte Prize Lecture”. Scandinavian Political Studies 30 (2): 137–174, 2007) came out with the data behind a massive study of the actual (as versus the theoretical) effects of diversity in a community. The findings are that increased diversity does not increase trust or participation between groups or within groups. The primary result of increasing diversity is a loss of trust. People hunker down alone and watch tv rather than participating in social group activities such as men’s groups, PTAs, volunteering for their neighborhood, socialize , trust in local leaders,etc etc etc. The greater the diversity, the greater the deficit in social capital. The data are all the more impressive in that Putnam is himself a self-avowed liberal and politically in tune with the impulse to encourage diversity. He hesitated and delayed the publication, checking again and again on the unexpected and to him unwelcome results.

Since there is now yet another effort by our congresscritters to impose on the American citizenry amnesty for those who are here illegally, which is a covert initiative to implement ever greater diversity, I wonder if this is a good time for you to reintroduce your own work again, and to pair it up with Putnam’s work, which provides shoe-leather data supporting the issues your work focuses on. Both works need to be brought to the widest possible public attention, and VFR seems to be the starting point on many of these

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 09, 2010 10:28 AM | Send

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