Gerald Amirault interviewed

The man who served 18 years in a Massachusetts prison for being a witch, excuse me, for sticking knives and other sharp objects into the rectum of small children which somehow caused no injury, and for carrying on various other demonic activities for which there was not the slightest evidence, and who—after a parole board unanimously recommended his release, and after all disinterested parties in the state had recognized that the charges against him were a sick fantasy cooked by hysterical psychologists, feminists, parents, and district attorney Scott Harshbarger—was nevertheless kept in prison for additional years as a result of the lobbying of Harshbarger’s successor Martha Coakley, was interviewed yesterday on Boston talk radio. The interview commences at 6:30 in the clip.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 16, 2010 03:30 PM | Send

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