Providence in the fall of the sparrow-like Coakley?
Jack writes:
Edward Moloch Kennedy has been overthrown.LA replies:
But look at it this way. God used Kennedy for his own purposes. Who would have imagined that of all the ways Kennedy’s bill—on the verge of passage after 40 years—might be stopped, it was Kennedy’s own death that did it? If the death of Kennedy right in the middle of the health care debate leading to the wholly unexpected election of a Republican to Kennedy’s seat leading to the defeat of Kennedy’s bill when it seemed to be within days of passage doesn’t at least suggest to skeptical human minds the workings of Providence, then nothing can. Rick U. writes:
Lest we forget, the Democrats originally postulated the health care “reform” as a tribute to Teddy’s legacy—an affirmation of his life long struggle to make health care a “right”. You just can’t make this stuff up!Kidist Paulos Asrat writes:
This extraordinary event keeps bringing up more providential examples. Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 21, 2010 01:34 PM | Send Email entry |