Is it really over?
According to the AP, Congressional Democrats have been huddling furiously trying to come up with some option, any option, that will keep alive the hope of passing some health care bill, even a radically scaled down bill, so that they they won’t have to admit that they spent a year on the road to nowhere, and that their world transforming victory of 2008 has come to nothing. But in the middle of these agonized and frenetic discussions, Rep. Anthony Weiner of Brooklyn shot them all down, saying simply: “People are at various levels of the seven stages of grief.” Meaning, the thing is dead. Then let us say: The thing is dead, long stay dead the thing. Here is Drudge’s headline:
It is laughable to hear the banal excuses trotted out by the left for their defeat in MA, full of lazy tropes that exemplify their congenital inability to perceive reality. Obama, Pelosi and Reid are the gift that keeps on giving. Finally Americans are starting to wake up from five decades of assuming progressives are simply “compassionate,” instead of the lying, deceitful, sanctimonious, sociofascist tyrants they really are. Jim C. writes:
“Road to nowhere.”LA replies:
That phrase comes from the USSR circa 1990: a demonstration in Moscow with a sign (in English): “Seventy years on the road to nowhere.” It made an impact on me. Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 21, 2010 06:45 PM | Send Email entry |