Deeply disappointed

I assume that Mortimer Zuckerman, the half liberal-ish / half neocon-ish publisher of U.S. News & World Report (a magazine I rarely encounter online for some reason), supported Obama in the 2008 election. Today he has an editorial essay, “The Incredible Deflation of Barack Obama,” in which he essentially calls Obama an incompetent president. It ends with this:

There is still time for Obama to change and turn things around. But the first year is the critical year, one in which the public defines the president, and it has to be said that broad swaths of the country are deeply disappointed.

By the way, Zuckerman points out that according to Gallup, Obama is now approved by 76 percent of nonwhites, 41 percent of whites.

A commenter argues that Obama is not intelligent.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 22, 2010 09:28 AM | Send

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