Senators demand answers from Holder on handling of Mutallab

Key Republican senators are on the case of Alien General Eric Holder over his apparent order to FBI agents to read Abdul Mutallab his Miranda rights, and it’s clear they’re not going to let go of this until they get answers. Here is the letter they’ve sent him about it.

What A.G. Holder and other Obamites don’t realize—what they’re incapable of realizing because they can’t recognize any reality other than their own—is that the more extreme, outrageous, and frightening they become, the more they arouse opposition, even from wishy washy GOP politicians who normally are not particularly energetic in defense of country and principle. The unanimous Republican opposition to Obama’s legislative program over the past year—something we’ve gotten so used to we’ve forgotten how remarkable it is—exemplifies Obama’s greatest and perhaps his only positive achievement: the rebirth of conservatism in this country.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 27, 2010 12:57 PM | Send

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