A history of atmospheric temperature in one location in one city, from 1775 to the present

A. Zarkov writes:

Prague’s Klementinum houses the world’s second oldest continuously operating weather station providing a virtually unbroken record of temperature at one location since 1775. Yet this valuable data is mysteriously missing from the Global Historical Climatology Network! See John O’Sullivan’s article at Climategate for details. Czech physicist Lubos Motl provides an analysis of this data, and he concludes that even without adjusting for the urban heat island effect due to Prague’s great increase of population from 157,000 in 1850 to 1.2 million today, Prague in the late 20th century does not stand out as having a warming trend. The raw data shows a 0.25 Centigrade trend per century, which John O’Sullivan claims is not statistically significant especially without heat island correction.

One more dagger into the chest of the vampire.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 17, 2010 02:26 PM | Send

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