AR conference was killed, then reborn, and now the fascist left has managed to kill it again
This is really disturbing. Yesterday afternoon I was forwarded e-mails from American Renaissance, indicating that the AR conference, which had been canceled the previous day, was on again, that AR had found a hotel in S.E. Washington which knew about the death threats against the earlier hotels and was willing to host the conference anyway. I posted something on that, then a few minutes later thought it would be better not to publicize the conference, as that might alert enemies to the fact that it was on again, so I removed the post. Just now I’ve been forwarded this:
Dear AR conference registrant,I suppose the full story will eventually come out. We now live in a country where the forces of leftist tyranny are such that death threats are used to prevent the holding of a conference that consists of nothing but speeches given in a hotel conference center, a conference held not even by an activist organization or a political party, but by a newsletter. And now let us see how the mainstream media of the left and right cover this, if at all. Given that the “right-wing” Fox News sided today with CAIR, a jihadist organization, against Pamela Geller for holding a session on jihad in conjunction with the upcoming CPAC conference, the prospects don’t look good for meaningful coverage of the thuggish suppression of the AR conference. Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 17, 2010 09:18 PM | Send Email entry |