Is it still true that conservatism won when McCain lost?
This is posted at Weekend Pundit: Conservatism Won When McCain LostQuestion: Will we still feel that way—will I still feel that way—if the inconceivable disaster occurs and Obamacare passes?
As I said just before the 2008 election, a McCain victory would be no salvation from leftism. Under the hapless McCain, the left would become even more determined and aggressive than before, leading to the election of a Democrat, likely Obama himself (the nonwhite messiah who had been unjustly denied his messiahship by McCain), in 2012. Meanwhile, as a result of four years of dutifully and absurdly defending the anti-conservative McCain from leftist attacks, conservatism would be thoroughly hollowed out and demoralized, while the Democrats would have even more energy to pass their agenda, including nationalized health. So, I said, since this battle for our existence as a free country was going to happen eventually, it would be better to have it while we were stronger, than when we were weaker. Email entry |