“All I Have to Do is Deem”

Here are the Everly Brothers singing, “All I Have to Do Is Dream.” Here is Cleveland Plain Dealer columnist Kevin O’Brien’s updated version. You could start playing the YouTube then switch back to this page and follow along with O’Brien’s lyrics.

Deem, deem, deem.
Deem, deem, deem.

I want a bill in the worst way.
I’ve tried the beg-and-coerce way.
Whatever I want now, all I have to do

Is deem,
Deem, deem, deem.

It’s not too tough to find solutions
When you ignore the Constitution.
Whatever I want now, all I have to do

Is deem,
Deem, deem, deem

If I called a vote, chances are remote
That I’d win, night or day.
So the answer is, gee whiz,
I’ll just deem my troubles away.

I’m out of votes that I can buy
I want to win, and that is why
Whatever I want now, all I have to do

Is deem,
Deem, deem, deem,
Deem, deem, deem …

(It fades out from there, kind of like your freedom.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 18, 2010 08:55 AM | Send

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