The silver lining in the bad dream that is Eric Holder

See Dana Milbank’s account in the Washington Post of Attorney General Holder’s appearance before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, during which Holder said, among other things, that he “hopes” that he will have a reached a decision on how and where to try KSM and the other 9/11 conspirators by the end of this year. (Note: it is now April.) It’s so bad that even Milbank, a famously biased liberal reporter, is not covering for Holder, but is plainly presenting him as (at best) the pathetic, dishonest incompetent that he is.

Here’s the silver lining: after the nation’s experience of having the likes of Obama and Holder in its top government positions, how long will it be before the American voters again elect a black as president? Obama is the nation’s first “black” president, but he is also very likely the last, for a long time to come.

Holder.jpg Stedman%20Graham-headshot%20%28web%29.jpg
Two empty suits: is Holder to the Attorney Generalship
what Stedman Graham is to Oprah Winfrey?

The obvious problem with the analogy is that Holder is much more and much worse than a mere place holder, which is what is currently being said about Stedman Graham in his relationship with Oprah Winfrey; Holder is actively using his position to do terrible things that are materially weakening our country.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 15, 2010 02:12 PM | Send

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