“Post-racial America,” before and after
A knee-jerk liberal blogger, the type who takes the Southern Poverty Law Center as his authority, came upon View from the Right, this entry in particular, and finds it indistinguishable from the neo-Nazi Stormfront. The entry is “What is post-racial America?”, posted in February 2008. In it I argued that an Obama presidency would not result in the removal of any aspects of the vast system of racial preferences for nonwhites, so how could it be post-racial? I continued:
If post-racial America does not mean the removal of these pro-nonwhite, anti-white policies and beliefs, what does it mean?That last sentence is exactly predictive of David Horowitz’s January 2009 celebratory article about Obama’s inauguration in which Horowitz joyously embraced what he saw as America’s new multiracial unity, a unity, he explained without irony, that consisted of nonwhites identifying with America for the first time, through their race-conscious identification with a nonwhite president, along with race-blind whites (like Horowitz) celebrating the fact that nonwhites were feeling patriotic about America for the first time. Horowitz’s new blissful American unity was built of (a) a fulfilled nonwhite racial consciousness, and (b) an at least implicit white approval of this nonwhite racial consciousness, because of the identification of nonwhites with America that the nonwhite racial consciousness had brought about. Which fit to a “T” the “post-racial” America I had predicted a year earlier.
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