A top model attacks breast implants and cosmetic surgery
(See Porizkova’s article
From today’s New York Post:
Paulina Porizkova trashes Heidi Montag, Madonna, Kate Hudson
Supermodel Paulina Porizkova calls Heidi Montag a “cheap plastic pool float” and has harsh words for fellow plastic surgery patients Madonna and Kate Hudson as well.

Paulina Porizkova
Will the Slavs save the West?
In a blog post for Modelinia.com, Porizkova writes: “Madonna no longer looks like Madonna: what started as a sexy, well-shaped, and somewhat hairy Italian girl has ended as a cool Nordic blonde … she is starting to sort of melt away into the stew of the famous women over-fifty-high-cheek-boned blondes-who-cannot-frown.”
As for Hudson, who’s rumored to have recently gained breast implants: “She just looks like any California blond actress. Instead of enhancing, she has diminished herself.”
[end of article]
April 24
Porizkova’s smile is not the typical smile of today’s celebrities. She’s smiling for us, for the world, not for herself. Starting sometime in the 1980s or 90s, there was a change in the way the people of the West, or at least the elites of the West, smiled. Instead of smiling for other people, which is what a smile is supposed to be about, they began to smile for themselves, their smile expressed self-love and self-congratulations rather than warmth and friendliness to others.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at April 22, 2010 11:40 PM | Send