Cameron becomes prime minister

Cameron and wife Samantha at the most famous front door in the world
As Cameron put it on arriving at Downing Street tonight, he is forming, not a semi, informal coalition with the Liberal Democrats as had been discussed earlier, but a “proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats,” meaning that there will be Liberal Democrats in the cabinet. It’s hard to see why this should be any problem for Cameron, however, since he himself is what we in America call a liberal Democrat.
Update: Not only will there be Liberal Democrats in the cabinet, but Nick Clegg, their leader, will be deputy prime minister, the highest position held by the Liberal Democrats or their Liberal predecessors since David Lloyd George left the prime ministership in 1922. Not bad for a party with 57 seats in the House of Commons.
- end of initial entry -
James N. writes:
I am disappointed.
Gordon Brown is right—the UK still (unbelievably) has a “progressive” majority.
The progressives should be made to govern, and to deal with the results.
James N. writes:
Cameron said on arriving at Number 10:
”Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad and that is something we should all be grateful for”
LA replies:
Translation: “I approve of Tony Blair’s destruction of British culture.”
Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 11, 2010 05:38 PM | Send