Is Obama admitting he was wrong about Arizona?

Regarding the announcement that Obama is sending 1,200 National Guard troops to the Mexican border, John of Powerline asks:

So is Obama now prepared to admit that Arizona was right all along? That its complaints about lax federal enforcement were legitimate, and not motivated by racism or hysteria? And that if National Guardsmen can enforce immigration laws without resort to unwarranted racial profiling, so can Arizona law enforcement personnel?

Of course not. Obama is just trying to get out from under one more bad decision that has caused him to take a thumping in the polls. It would be nice, though, if he learned a lesson about slandering his fellow Americans.

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Paul K. writes:

This is a “fake right, go left” play. This president, like his predecessor, is committed to open borders, but has to figure some way around that pesky thing called public opinion. He figures that if he throws a sop to the hysterical racists by stationing some troops there, he can slip his comprehensive immigration reform package through and then withdraw the troops. The problem is, we’re not that dumb.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at May 25, 2010 09:43 PM | Send

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