Muslims against dogs
When the Congress voted in 1965 to open up U.S. immigration on an equal basis from every country in the world, did they ask whether the beliefs and customs of the people from those many and various nations were compatible with American beliefs and customs? No, they did not. This was because the purpose of the 1965 Immigration Act was not to extend the privilege of citizenship only to such persons as would, in James Madison’s words, be a “real addition to the wealth or strength of the United States.” No. The purpose of the Act was to show that America doesn’t discriminate. Therefore the notion of examining the beliefs and customs of the cultures of the prospective immigrants to see if they were compatible with ours did not even arise. As a result, we allowed into this country and gave the privilege of citizenship to millions of persons whose customs and beliefs are incompatible with ours, even radically alien and hostile to ours. Robert B. from Minnesota tells us about one of the results of that momentous decision—or rather that momentous decision not to decide about the identity and destiny of our country, but leave the decision up to the foreigners who do not love us or care about us. Robert B. writes:
I spent last week and the holiday in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Since my youngest had not seen the Mount Rushmore monument (was not alive ten years ago when I was last there), we took a ride up to see it. Much to my surprise, my dog was not allowed to accompany us. It is a public and open space and I have a picture of my wife, my two oldest my previous dog and myself all sitting on the wall in front of the Monument from ten years ago. I was put aback by this.LA replies:
It’s really terrible, but it’s only the beginning. What you experienced was the result of a handful of Muslim visitors to Mount Rushmore complaining that they weren’t comfortable around dogs, and of the treasonously PC federal officials unnecessarily rushing to accede to the Muslims’ wishes. But the issue of Muslims and dogs goes much deeper than personal discomfort with dogs. Islamic law lists dogs among the “unclean” things that must be avoided. As Muslims continue to gain power in our society and begin to impose Islamic law more and more extensively, the movement to remove dogs from public spaces will become general and official. Of course dogs, man’s best friend, are central to American and Western culture. But Islam says that dogs are filth with which the pious Muslims must not come into contact, or become unclean himself. In 1965 we didn’t ask whether Islam had customs that might make a bad fit with ours, and 45 years later it is still forbidden and unimagined to ask that same question. Michael S. writes:
Well, that does it, then. I’m naming my next dog Mohammed.LA replies:
I don’t want to insult and degrade Muslims, I just want them to leave.June 5 Vivek G. writes:
It is understandable that you do not want to degrade or insult Muslims, but why does Michael S. want to degrade his dog? Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2010 03:48 PM | Send Email entry |