Imagine that Lincoln had never spoken with Grant; imagine that Queen Victoria had never spoken with Disraeli

Last week, with reference to all the people who were demanding that Obama do something about the oil spill, I said: what do they expect him to do? I have to amend that. There were things that he could and should have been doing, and that he wasn’t doing. Most importantly, he needed to be on top of what was happening; he needed to be informed, every step of the way, about BP’s actions. The news this week that Obama has never had a conversation with BP’s chief executive officer Anthony Hayward is devastating proof that Obama has not sought to be informed about what was happening, that he has been fatally detached from the disaster, while going through lots of motions to show the world that he “cares.”

Sarah Palin, who, whatever we may want to say about her, does have highly relevant experience in this area, responds to the news at her Facebook page.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 08, 2010 10:06 PM | Send

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