The rise of the Palindrones?

Fred D. writes:

The excellent column you cited last week about Palin’s pre-presidential campaign strategy made me realize that we are now witnessing the growth of yet another splinter group among conservatives—the Palindrones. These are elected officials who are personally beholden to the Palin networking machine and her adherents, whose affection for Palin is purely sentimental. They represent the rise of a gynocracy on the conservative right. I have a question. Has Palin ever endorsed a man when a woman was running against him?

I sincerely hope that the 2012 election is not decided on sentiment as the 2008 election was. We’re confronted by massive problems and Conservatives have at least two leaders out there who may have genuine, substantial records of accomplishment to run on:

Christopher Christie is in a pitched battle with every special interest in a complex and sophisticated northeastern state. He is fighting on all fronts all the time and appears to be winning. His battle is a microcosm of the fiscal battle that must be waged nationally.

Janice Brewer in Arizona has signed some of the most courageous legislation in the last forty years. The festering ulcer on our southern border, which the Democrats use to maintain themselves in power, threatens the stability of the U.S. Brewer has gamely defended the legislation, and although crime is the presenting cause, the underlying reason is a difference in cultures.

Christie fights special interests to cure fiscal insanity, Brewer fights to preserve our culture.

What did Palin do by comparison? Or Romney? Or Huckabee? Or Gingrich?

Sadly, the Republicans’ national elected leaders (Boehner and McConnell) are to leadership what Barney Fife was to law enforcement. So the Palindrones have an opening.

Thanks you for your site. It is the best news analysis site on the web.

Ben W. writes:

I nominate the following for line of the year:

“Sadly, the Republicans’ national elected leaders are to leadership what Barney Fife was to law enforcement.”


Alexis Zarkov writes:

The Palindrone syndrome is but one example of our dysfunctional Republican party as I am learning here in California. There is only one really competitive race for House in California—the 11th Congressional District. Otherwise gerrymandering has all but wired in the existing seats. Yet the RNC chooses not to provide much (perhaps any) financial support to their candidate. Here they have a good opportunity to pick up an additional House seat in the bluest of blue states. I’m beginning to fear that the left will get a permanent lock on power through the Democrats because their opposition refuses to do what it must: wage political war with a carefully planned, long-term strategy. All they seem to care about is lowering taxes, as though that alone were enough.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 21, 2010 04:55 PM | Send

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