NRO endorses McCain

Paul K. writes:

I don’t generally bother with NRO, but your link to the Mark Krikorian piece led me over there, where I saw Andrew McCarthy’s response to National Review’s endorsement of John McCain in his primary race. McCarthy provides a devastating point-by-point history of McCain’s perfidy. Ramesh Ponnuru response is pathetically weak, serving to remind us mainly the National Review is irrelevant to any serious discussion of conservative principle.

LA replies:

Weakness, thy name is Ponnuru … and Lowry … and Goldberg …

The first two in particular are the very definition of chestless wonders.

LA continues:

For more on National Review’s and Lowry’s irresistible tropism toward McCain, and the indescribable lightness of Richard Lowry himself, see these VFR items from 2008:

In the last listed entry, I summed up Lowry’s m.o. as follows:

Clearly, Lowry’s mind does not have any discernible relationship with an objective or stable truth. His mind seems to operate according a simple, highly flexible protocol: that which succeeds politically, or is perceived as succeeding, or is predicted by pollsters to succeed, is good, and must be praised. McCain is ahead for the nomination and is thought to be the inevitable winner, therefore McCain’s reputation for honesty—which Lowry had been trashing three days earlier—is “indelible.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 02, 2010 01:10 AM | Send

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