DNA lead in Morgan Harrington case
Morgan Harrington was the 20-year-old Virginia Tech student who disappeared last October while walking alone at night, provocatively dressed, in clothing which her mother helped her choose that morning, trying to hitch a ride outside a concert stadium in Charlottesville, Virginia. Her murdered body was found four months later on a farm ten miles from that city. Now police have made a DNA match between Morgan’s suspected killer and the suspect in a sexual assault that took place several years ago. The suspect has not been identified, only his DNA, plus the victim’s description of the suspect in the earlier crime. The news story of course does not mention the suspect’s race, but the police drawing shows it.
![]() ![]() Liberal society’s designated prey—and predator
There is another difference between the two periods. In the old days in the South, white society stated plainly why it was segregating black men. In our time, the fact that black men are regularly raping and killing white women, and the fact that white women’s own socially approved and mandated behavior makes such murders infinitely more likely, are never, ever, ever mentioned. This is not a call to hate black people or to regard all or most black men as dangerous criminals. It is not a call to oppress blacks or return to Jim Crow. It is a call for our society to acknowledge certain vital realities which are currently being systematically ignored, and for us to change our attitudes and behaviors accordingly.
White Liberal Mothers, Dead White Liberal DaughtersSpeaking of which, last week I saw a fascinating two-hour program on MSNBC about the Natalee Holloway case. There is a lot to say about it, but one thing in particular stood out: the continuing absolute cluelessness / lack of any sign of consciousness on the part of Natalee’s mother, Beth Twitty Holloway, that there was anything unwise or unsafe in sending her 18 year old daughter with a bunch of her fellow high school students to a tropical island to “party” (i.e., get drunk and have sex) for four days. Also, MSNBC was an accessory in this denial. While the program had all kinds of remarkable information and photos on the case I hadn’t seen before, it nevertheless avoided the slightest suggestion that there was anything wrong about the high school trip to Aruba in general and about Natalee’s behavior there in particular. It did not mention the fact (attested to elsewhere by one of her fellow students on the trip) that she was drinking heavily from morning till night for the entire four days. It did not remotely hint that there was anything untoward in her getting into a car late at night with three strange young men who were not part of her group. Nor did it suggest that there was anything wrong in the fact that her classmates, seeing her get into a car late at night with three strange young men, didn’t say anything to her about it or perhaps try to stop her. In liberal society, the precepts of liberalism—including the absolute freedom of girls and women to do whatever they want—can never be questioned.
Roger G. writes:
I hate the use of “party” as a verb, and I refuse to surrender “gay.” I come from old Virginia, where all is bright and gay.LA replies:
Agreed, but I used “party” in quotation marks.Roger replies:
No, no, no, I’m sorry. I wasn’t criticizing your use of the term. Quite the contrary. I was referring to what has become accepted—and more broadly, I was commenting on a society that would turn this noun into verb.Joseph writes: I wonder if there is another relationship between the two stories other than clueless parenting and the naivety of thinking that female “empowerment” really protects women from violence.LA replies:
This is very interesting. I’m not ready to reply to your specific idea at the moment, but my general answer would be this: for Americans, guilt about blacks and the resulting need to overcompensate toward blacks has been the primary driving force of liberalism. Thus Toni Morrison’s black racist notion that blacks are the secret obsession behind all whites’ thoughts and feelings may be true, but in the exact opposite sense from that intended by Morrison.
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