A symbolic act to express our rejection of the dangerous and tyrannical religion of Islam
Albert writes:
Mr. Auster,
You may do with these photos as you wish.
Stan writes:
I deleted the copy of the Koran from my Kindle. Is that like only burning half of the physical book or something?
LA replies:
Well, I’m not sure I would approve of that. It depends what you mean to be expressing. We need to read the Koran in order to understand what Islam is about. The act of burning a representative copy of the Koran is not meant to say that the Koran should be eliminated from the world and not read. It is a symbolic way of expressing our opposition to the Koran and the religion of war that it spawned.
Robert B. writes
I have cooked my eggs and bacon, cooked the Koran in bacon grease and will soon allow my dog to “taste test” it. I will burn it this evening with some friends present as stated—I have photographed each step in the process and will forward them to you.
John L. writes:
I’m pleased to report that, although I didn’t have time to pick up a whole Koran, my barbeque grill has just been lit with Sura 9. Before lighting it, I swore to Almighty God that I would never submit to Islam, even if that means my death. Very soon, delicious, sizzling pork fat will be dripping onto the ashes of the false prophet’s call to eternal war. I feel like a free man again. We should do this every year. Forever.
Stan replies to LA:
The email was supposed to be a joke. I didn’t actually delete the Koran from my Kindle; I intend to read it over the course of my vacation this week. Rather, I wondered how much a video recording of such an act would incense Muslims and liberals. Is it permissible under mainstream interpretations of Islam? If it is not, is it equally offensive as burning a Koran? Throwing a Koran in the garbage? Losing a Koran? etc.
LA replies:
A video recording of someone deleting an electronic copy of the Koran! That is funny.
In any case, I’m glad for the misunderstanding, because it gave me an opportunity to make a distinction that’s important. A lot of Jones’s critics said, “He should read the Koran, not burn it,” as though burning the Koran precludes reading it. They were assuming that to burn a Koran was tantamount to seeking to wipe the book out of existence so that it would never been seen again. I wanted people to be sure that the symbolic act of burning a Koran, in order to express opposition and rejection of it, is not inconsistent with reading it. All of us should familiarize ourselves with this book.
I have never read the Koran in any systematic way, because it’s too loathsome to read more than a few pages at a time. I’ve read it unsystematically, simply opening it at random (though usually to the longer suras near the beginning) and reading a couple of pages. I’ve often read it aloud to a friend. As I’ve discussed previously, doing this regularly over a period of months, I started to get a feel for the Koran, without any labor. And the main thing that emerged from this reading was that almost every time I began reading, a brief passage of praise for Allah would be immedately followed by a long passage of sadistic threats of torture and death on those who reject Allah.
James M. writes:
I would recommend videoing the burning of Korans and uploading to Youtube. This way the evidence doesn’t have to be hosted on websites (such as yours) which may fall victim to dhimmified ISPs, hackers, etc. Also, something on Youtube or a similar site is more apt to “go viral.”
Stogie writes:
I burned my Koran, as promised. You can view the pictures here.
LA replies:
Very neatly done, both the act and the photographs of the act.
Alexis Zarkov writes:
Stan writes, “I deleted the copy of the Koran from my Kindle. Is that like only burning half of the physical book or something?”
I strongly suspect this act counts for nothing. Here’s why. In Jewish writing one frequently sees “God” written as “G_d” because the Jews don’t want to see anything with “God” printed on it thrown away, or in anyway treated in a non-reverential manner. The question has come up as to whether this applies to electronic media such as a email or a webpage. The Rabbinic authorities say “no” because the word does not exist on a physical median that can be thrown away or otherwise defaced. Of course if you print an email with “God” written on it, then the conventional rules apply. By analogy I suspect an electronic deletion of the Koran is not considered as a desecration by Islamic authorities.
Speaking of the Koran, I have heard, but not confirmed, that virtually all, if not all English translations of the Koran has been sanitized for Western consumption. The Koran in Arabic is far more extreme than what we have been led to believe. I also understand that Muslims believe that the Koran contains the literal word of God. In other words, it’s a perfect transcription of what God said to Mohammad in Arabic. As such it’s not open to interpretation because the Koran is the very words of God. Thus one can understand the extreme sensitivity that Muslims about their Koran.
It seems to me that the U.S. government now has a very big problem. They can’t stop public Koran desecration in America. I suspect the FBI told Jones they would not protect him if he went through with the Koran burning. As Jones did not want to spend his life in hiding, he decided against the project. However others will not be deterred. Then what? Riots and killing.
People have to understand that unless they are willing to allow Islam to control them, people will be killed by Muslims. It’s only a matter of time before Americans will have to choose between their dignity and subservience to Islam. The excuse: “you can’t do that because people will die” won’t matter anymore.
Gintas writes:
Here is a video of a Koran burning. They say “in honor of the glorious God who does not brook any competition” then they roast a marshmallow to show the Koran is good for something.
Thomas Bertonneau writes:
I would like to join John L. in his oath.
I swear before Almighty God that I will never submit to Islam even though the refusal might mean my death.
N. writes:
A Koran was ignited near Ground Zero.
Excerpt: “A man ripped pages from a Koran and lit them aflame at a protest near the proposed site of a community center and mosque near Ground Zero on Saturday.
“If they can burn American flags, I can burn the Koran,” shouted the unidentified man. “America should never be afraid to give their opinion.”
The man was led away by police but did not appear to be arrested.”
S. T. Stoddard writes:
If you have addressed the following already and I’ve missed it I apologize:
What do you think would be the reaction of the liberal press, of the Huffington Post et al, if Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens planned to hold a Bible burning? Do you suspect that they might find anew their fervor for First Amendment rights and forget, for a time, their so-very-sincere, deep hatred of offending the religious?
Speaking of which, where was the outrage when the following was going on? See this, this, and this.
Stogie writes:
I also made a YouTube video of my Koran burning. See it here if you have the time.
Making YouTube videos is fairly easy. You can add titles, captions and music if you like (and I did).
LA replies (Sept. 12):
Stogie, your video is terrific. It’s as though the fire of the burning Koran was dancing to the rock song in the sound track.
September 12
Scott H. writes:
Well at least two …
I’m sure there is more. I hope you get a lot of pictures in the following days. Just me and my son doing the deed today. Pastor Jones at least planted the thought in some people’s mind, and the thought is the father of the deed. That is why the elites would like to control our language and drive even the thoughts from our minds.

LA replies:
These are fine. It’s straightforward, no bacon fat, which I’ve expressed concerns about here. So these are no more provocative than the series of three photos I posted yesterday. I’ll add them to the entry.
Regarding LA’s comments about getting cold feet, Scott wrote:
I don’t blame you at all. I mean we are “chained to a psycho” and all. My son and I discussed that scenario before we took the pictures. It’s easy for me to be “brave” and take some pictures to send to you to post on your website, quite another to have my own site or post them on Youtube or similar. I have sent the pics to family, friends and associates so they’ll, maybe, get passed around. It was surprisingly eerie to burn this book after being taught from a very small boy that any burning of books is fascism,and Nazi-like behavior. We did it anyway, believing we had to complete the thought because so many “leaders” and “elites” told us it was evil even to think about burning that book.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 11, 2010 01:20 PM | Send