The Western denial of the reality of Islam, taken to the max
Normally I ignore the mentally disturbed political journalist Andrew Sullivan. But his graph of Islam, done in the form of a Venn diagram, is worth copying, as an example of how far Western liberals will go to deny the reality of the Islamic threat.
![]() Comments FL writes:
The diagram needs at least one change: part of the “Muslim” circle should be shaded to show the percentage of Muslims who are sympathetic to terrorist groups like Al Qaeda.Hannon writes:
That diagram reminded me of a counter-argument I saw in a recent comment somewhere [not on VFR?]. This was to the effect that virtually no one suggested at the time that we were fighting a “tiny extremist minority” of Japanese Imperialists, or a minute faction of “extremist” Nazis who were unrepresentative of Japanese or Germans at large. When a whole polity is explicitly or tacitly supportive of its most severe political proponents there is no practical sense in trying to differentiate these “groups” from each other. Sullivan’s graphic is gutter-level over-simplification.LA replies:
But Islam is not a polity. The situation is obviously more complicated than simply our nation being at war with another nation state.N. writes:
A more apt comparison between the demented Sullivan’s graphic and the real world would be to look back in time some 20-plus years to the Cold War. At that time, it was clear the that USSR intended to obtain military superiority over Western Europe as a lever to dismantle NATO and bring Germany, France and Italy under the sway of the Warsaw Pact. That’s what the SS-20 short-range nuclear capable missiles were all about, to put Western Europe under the threat of nuclear attack in a matter of minutes. And that’s what Reagan’s placement of Pershing II missiles in NATO was about; to put the Warsaw Pact capitals under the exact, same threat. These intermediate range missiles, as noted, could reach their targets in a matter of 15 minutes or even less, making destruction essentially instant.Andrew E. writes:
Back in early September the Catholic blogger Mark Shea, in response to a post by Jeff Culbreath at What’s Wrong With the World (4W) in which the subsequent discussion called for drastically reducing the Muslim presence in America, used this same Venn diagram as the substance of his rebuttal to the 4W post. In the comment section of Shea’s post, frequent 4W commenter The Duece really nailed it. (The green circle referenced by The Duece is meant to the represent the worldwide Muslim population even though the diagram in Shea’s post shows this population as a large red circle, but the point he’s making is clear.) Lydia McGrew highlighted this comment in a followup post to Shea here:Jonathan L. writes:
The first set of World Trade Center bombings were not carried out by “al Qaeda”; Nidal Hassan was not “al Qaeda”. I could go on all day, but here is a more decisive point: in a Zogby poll taken right after the 9/11 attacks, 50% of American Muslims said they opposed the U.S. attacking Afghanistan. In other words, after the worst attack on American soil in the U.S.’s entire history, at least half of our Muslim “fellow citizens” felt the U.S. had no right to defend itself.LA replies:
It’s a lamentably common syndrome. When a person switches to that degree, he shows that he has nothing stable in himself, intellectually and morally; that he is a creature of emotions. Thus (to use an example I’ve mentioned before) Scott McConnell, who went out of his way to describe himself to me as a “philo-Semite” in the mid-1990s, by the early 2000s was trafficking in classic anti-Semitic statements at the magazine he founded, The Paleostinian Conservative.October 19 Ron L. writes:
The chart Sullivan uses is ridiculous. Al Qaeda is hardly the only Islamic terrorist group at war with us. It isn’t even the only Sunni group at war with us. And the issue is not just official members. There are the people who fund terrorists and allow them to operate. His number also doesn’t include the Muslim Brotherhood as well as less organized supporters. That is tens of millions of Muslims outside of terrorist-supporting regimes like those of Iran, Syria and Lebanon. And it does not include the significant percentage of Muslims who support the goals of Al Qaeda et all, but have tactical differences. Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 18, 2010 10:23 AM | Send Email entry |