Moment of exquisite anxiety for liberal whites

Charles T. writes:

Here is a video taken at the recent Jon Stewart rally. There is one man holding a sign that asks: “Obama = Keynesian?” Another person is filming and another man is holding a mike and recording answers to the question on the sign. Several of the Stewart ralliers confuse “Keynesian” with “Kenyan.” Some of them go a little crazy since they think the interviewers are asking “Is Obama Kenyan?” There is one person interviewed who understands and states he really does not know what Obama believes economically. The lady standing next to him, who earlier stated Obama was American, looks puzzled and says she thougt they were asking if Obama was Kenyan. This is repeated for several interviews. This is hilarious!

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 02, 2010 10:42 AM | Send

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