Boy, has Obama lost the liberals

The beginning of Gail Collins’s op-ed in the NY Times:

I have faith in Barack Obama. Of course, I also have faith in the New York Mets.

I believe Obama is going to get his groove back and be the leader we elected, even though he is testing us sorely.

The end of the column:

The people of America made it clear in the election that they want something done about the deficit. The president’s responsibility is to show them he’s going to heed their orders, and then follow through without making the economy worse or cutting critical services.

I have faith that Obama is going to do just that, and that this time he’ll respond to the challenge in a way that isn’t remote or opaque or confusing. Also, next year: the Mets. World Series.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 13, 2010 02:04 PM | Send

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