VFR called it correctly on (non) disposition of 9/11 trial

On November 1, I said that Alien General Holder’s continuing non-action on the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed case, a full year after he first announced his intention to have Mohammed tried in civilian court in Manhattan, had led me to the following guess:

Holder knows that he can’t try Mohammed in civilian court, as public opinion simply won’t abide it. At the same time, it would be unbearable to Holder, as an anti-American, anti-white leftist, to do the right thing and try Mohammed before a military commission in Guantanamo. So he’s leaving the situation in limbo. He’s refusing to do his job, because his job requires him to treat an enemy of the United States as an enemy.

Today, 12 days after I wrote those words, the Washington Post reports:

Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, will probably remain in military detention without trial for the foreseeable future, according to Obama administration officials.

The administration has concluded that it cannot put Mohammed on trial in federal court because of the opposition of lawmakers in Congress and in New York. There is also little internal support for resurrecting a military prosecution at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The latter option would alienate liberal supporters.

“Little internal support” means that Holder and Obama cannot bear the thought of trying Mohammed before a military commission. Holder is refusing to do his job, because his job requires him to treat an enemy of the United States as an enemy.

- end of initial entry -

Kathlene M. writes:

I wish there was some way Holder could be removed from office. But then Obama would just replace him with someone just as bad or worse.

May God help us get through the next two years with the strength and courage we’ll continue to need.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 13, 2010 02:23 PM | Send

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