Janet Napolitano on what causes terrorism

Chris L. writes:

I have seen this article a couple of places, yet everyone seems to miss or ignore this little tidbit by Napolitano:

“The long-term [question] is, how do we get out of this having to have an ever-increasing security apparatus because of terrorists and a terrorist attack?” she said. “I think having a better understanding of what causes someone to become a terrorist will be helpful.”

DHS and intelligence officials are not as far along in understanding that process as they would like, Napolitano said, adding that until that goal is reached, steps need to be put in place to ensure the public’s safety.

“We don’t know much,” she said. “If you were to try and devise a template about what connects this terrorist to this terrorist and how they were raised and what schools they went to and their socioeconomic status, or this or that, it’s all over the map.

“I think there’s some important work that’s being done on that but … the Secretary of Homeland Security cannot wait for that.”

It is absolutely amazing to watch liberals dance around the issue. I guess, to modify an old adage, it’s not Islam until someone gets really hurt.

Have a happy Thanksgiving.

LA replies:

“If you were to try and devise a template about what connects this terrorist to this terrorist and how they were raised and what schools they went to and their socioeconomic status, or this or that, it’s all over the map.”

This reminds me of the incident in Canada a few years ago in which a large number of terror suspects were arrested, and the Canadian authorities announced that the only thing this group of Muslim individuals had in common was their “diversity.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 24, 2010 06:11 PM | Send

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