Head of Labour party admits he’s a socialist

Ed Milliband says: “‘Yeah, I am a socialist. I’m not embarrassed about it. I’ll tell you why I’m not embarrassed about it … there are big unfairnesses in our society, and part of the job of government is to bring about social justice and to tackle those unfairnesses.”

So, Labour’s interlude as a formally non-socialist party lasted for a total of 16 years, from July 1994, when Tony Blair became the party leader and changed the socialist Labour party to “New Labour,” to November 2010, when Milliband in effect changed it back to old Labour. But this should be no surprise. How could Labour continue being merely a left-liberal, non-socialist party, given that the ruling Conservative party under Cameron is now a left-liberal party itself? Britain’s two major parties couldn’t both be left-liberal, so one of them had to become all-out socialist.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at November 26, 2010 05:41 PM | Send

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