Endless Folly

Diana West steams about the multiple lies, corruptions, and massively wasteful expenditure of American energy and lives for the sake of a false policy that only ends by fortifying our Taliban enemies, the policy being our determination to nation-build, democratize, and influence Afghanistan, a nation on which we do not have the ability to have any permanent influence.

In this connection, do you believe that are you regularly seeing in American newspapers articles worrying about the fact that Afghanistan has endemic corruption? We’re worried about corruption in Afghanistan? We think that this is our problem, which we can and must do something to fix? And no one in our political and elite points out, clearly and forcefully, the obvious madness of this? No, because that would be to suggest that mankind in its actual capacities and tendencies is not universal, i.e., is not American; it would be to question the belief that all peoples are capable of becoming like us. No one, on the left or “right,” will seriously question that belief.

Here’s the truth: it is that belief that is the ultimate source of the multiple folly that has Diana West steamed.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 03, 2010 02:58 PM | Send

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