More lib advice for Barry

Timothy Egan writes in the New York Times:

One of the mystifying paradoxes of Obama is how this gifted writer, this eloquent communicator, has not been able to come up with a simple, overarching governing frame.

Hmm. Maybe Egan’s premise is wrong?

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Jim C. writes:

“Maybe Egan’s premise is wrong?” LOL, that’s a Larry rhetorical question. This Egan strikes me as an idiot. I find it hard to believe that, in Egan’s mind, the only thing Barry lacks is an advertising slogan to describe his incompetent presidency. Leaders have vision, they take chances, they listen to others, they work hard, they don’t let others write “historic” legislation. In short, a leader is a smart guy who makes wise decisions, and always has his eye on the welfare of the American people—and, secondarily, the rest of the world.

OK, let’s create an Obama ruling philosophy tag line for Egan’s benefit. The tag line will be a headline on the famous arrogance photo with Biden:

“I got a perfect 1000 on my SAT’s.”

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 07, 2010 11:36 AM | Send

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