Administration shown to be lying about “no involvement” in Wisconsin protests
In an article on Sunday which I had intended to post but didn’t, the New York Times reported:
Administration officials said Sunday that the White House had done nothing to encourage the demonstrations in Wisconsin—nor was it doing so in Ohio, Florida and other states where new Republican governors are trying to make deep cuts to balance their budgets. [Italics added.]My first thought was, could the administration be believed on this point? Probably not. But it was certainly interesting that they were denying that the DNC and OfA were involved in the protests or were saying that their involvement had been exaggerated. Today Alana Goodman at Commentary says that the denial shows that Obama sees the protests in Wisconsin as a losing cause, and that this is the reason he is trying to distance himself from them. Goodman also mentions an article proving that the denial is false:
[A]pparently someone forget to tell the DNC’s communication director Bob Woodhouse to scrub his Twitter feed to reflect this new strategy. Doug Ross has pointed out a Feb. 17 Tweet from Woodhouse saying that the White House was “proudly” playing a role in the protest.Blogger Doug Ross brings out that the denials of any DNC or OfA involvement are
outright fabrications. In fact, Brad Woodhouse, the Democratic Party Communications Director, was spotted crowing about Obama’s involvement as recently as Thursday.Ross then shows a screen shot of the “tweet” by Woodhouse which says in part:
… BarackObama’s pol arm DNC/OFA playing role in WI protests: …Here is an image of the tweet:
The idea is that a seemingly moderate “good cop” politician works on the inside of government, while coordinating his moves with nasty Alinskyite “bad cops” on the outside. Reports that Obama’s own organizers helped put together the Madison protests fit the model. That coordination is necessary to achieve Obama’s real goal: kicking off a national grassroots movement of the left that he can quietly manage, while keeping his distance when necessary. Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 22, 2011 09:16 AM | Send Email entry |