Is any Republican ready for the consequences of having defeated the black messiah?

At the end of the long colloquy between James P. and me on an issue of interest only to presidential triviasts, I said that Romney would probably have the best chance to defeat Obama, and James wrote:
The rage, hate, and insanity that characterized the Dean enthusiasts will emerge full-force against the candidate who takes on Obama, and will be doubled if he wins. The Republican candidate will have to have a very strong character to withstand that hate and to govern effectively. Does Romney want to win badly enough to go down in history as “the man who defeated the First Black President”? If he wins, will Romney spend his entire time trying to appease liberal rage by governing as a liberal and stamping the GOP label on high taxes, amnesty, carbon regulation, more largesse for blacks, etc.?

To which I replied:

… you raise a larger issue of what will happen to any GOP nominee who runs against, and possibly defeats, the first nonwhite U.S. president. Would any of them have the fortitude to withstand the hate you are talking about?

—end of initial entry—

Daniel H. in Seattle writes:

Forgive me if I skimmed through your long discussion with James P. about the notion of insiders vs. outsiders, but my senses perked up again at the very end. James points out how much vitriol will be spewed at whoever wins the nomination—no matter what he says or does—and you ask “Would any of them have the fortitude to withstand the hate you are talking about?”

There’s a chilling, Soviet-like pall surrounding this question. It’s always been tough to be a presidential nominee; the campaign trail has never been a place for the faint-of-heart, even back in more genteel times. But this feels different, doesn’t it?

Thanks to political correctness, entire provinces of reality have been taboo subjects in our politics for many years. Now one gets the feeling that we’re on the cusp of a politics where the Dear Leader, the Premier himself, cannot be attacked, excepts in the corners of the samizdat internet.

Nile McCoy writes:

“The rage, hate, and insanity that characterized the Dean enthusiasts will emerge full-force against the candidate who takes on Obama, and will be doubled if he [or she] wins.”

I’ve pointed out earlier at VFR that whoever defeats Obama, but especially the more conservative the nominee, severe animus will be directed at him or her. It will be exceptionally severe if there is a perceived mandate to overturn Obamacare. Not only will there be the possibility of race riots in many majority-minority metropolitan areas from defeating the “First Black President,” but also with the possibility of Obamacare being reversed, unions and other hyper-liberal activists (ACORN being the one that comes to mind) could well be causing civil unrest in many areas of the United States. The election of Abraham Lincoln comes to mind, as South Carolina started the trend of other southern states that would eventually secede from the union.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 03, 2011 04:10 PM | Send

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