Vancouverites (white) riot after big hockey loss
We’re talking about serious rioting, with burning cars, mob confrontations with police, the whole scene. In the video, you can see that the rioters are white. Also, just in: the National Post has many stunning photographs of downtown Vancouver in chaos. Most of the rioters are white, joined by a couple of Asians who show they’re assimilating. A commenter at the National Post (triplewatto at 7:36 AM) tries to blame the riots on the city’s leftism, but I don’t think we should be looking for rationalizations or escapes. Let’s just take in the fact that supposedly ultra-civilized white Canadians are behaving like, well, like American blacks after their team wins.
MBS writes: Vancouver is very hite and Asian. You could walk through the city and not see a single black person on any given day.James P. writes: This demonstrates how successfully the Left has normalized deviancy. Initially this effort emerged from the need to excuse black misbehavior, and now such misbehavior is slowly making its way up the food chain. If everyone is a deviant, and everyone riots and loots when they’re offended, then blacks can’t be singled out as unusually deviant.Ken Hechtman writes: It’s a Canadian thing. You wouldn’t understand. Canada has had hockey riots as long as England has had soccer riots. The Rocket Richard riot ( is every bit as important in Quebec separatist mythology as Stonewall is in gay mythology and for exactly the same reasons.June 16, 8:18 p.m. A.M. writes:
Given Canada’s historic affinity for rioting, according to Mr. Hechtman, it may be precisely the opposite of what James P. has said. That is, because rioting in America nowadays is exclusively a black- and brown- affair, whites don’t participate. Whites are quick to avoid places where they are severely outnumbered by undesirable members of a minority, e.g. the public transport system in many cities. While riots would be less frequent if say, portions of America were all-white, white participation might well be higher.Robert B. writes:
I respectively disagree with your other respondents. Rioting and especially looting were once punishable by being shot on site. This was true during the black riots in the 60’s. Due to the so called backlash by The Left over the enforcement of standing law during those riots, the government no longer enforces that law. The other component to this is that government has decided that crimes against property are victimless crimes due to the existence of insurance—thus, if someone burns your car or loots your store, insurance will cover it and you aren’t really out anything. Thus, rioters know they can get away with it and act accordingly.Leonard D. writes:
I don’t want to minimize the thing, but as Hechtman says, Anglos have a long history of riots and mob action. Not just in Canada — here too.Hannon writes:
At first I was put off by the idea of these enlightened baby seal-bashers running amok in Vancouver, where everyone seems to think crime just does not happen. I can only imagine what pent-up frustrations, synergized with alcohol and mob mentality, not to mention the Canucks’ loss, led to this chaos. Then my thoughts went in another direction. I think on some levels it is a good thing that the modern world witness the fact that whites also can and do engage in reckless group destruction. In itself it is not a good thing of course, but whites remaining ever passive while other racial groups exhibit routine group violence is not a good thing, either. I would assume that these exuberant youth were not acting in the defense of anything, except perhaps pride, but through these acts they know they are alive, and so do we. Vancouver is not a Dead Island. Posted by Lawrence Auster at June 16, 2011 09:15 AM | Send Email entry |