America’s systematic anti-whiteness, and why conservatives are (mostly) silent about it

With the many entries on the Norwegian terrorist attacks having been posted over the last couple of hours, don’t miss two comments by me earlier today in two entries: on the DHS video which portrays terrorists as cleancut white men; and on the Texas most wanted posters which label these criminals, most of them nonwhite Hispanics, as “white.” In the latter comment I argue that universalist, race-neutral “conservatives” are incapable of defending whites from these and other injustices.

But still, how about that for an ironic coincidence? On the same day that we discussed the sick and outrageous DHS video that portrays cleancut whites instead of Muslims as terrorists, a man described as a blonde Norwegian committed a terrorist mass murder in Norway. However, until there are more facts about the event, including the man’s identity and background, it is a waste of energy for us to ponder the nature and implications of the event, including the awful possibility that this was (as the left believes and devoutly hopes) a Timothy McVeigh-type attack, in which case the West’s ability to defend itself from Islam will be even more paralyzed by leftist anti-whiteness than it now is.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at July 22, 2011 07:20 PM | Send

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