The world of freakdom unleashed by homosexual empowerment plus mass nonwhite immigration
Laura Wood posts the photograph, under the title, “Portrait of a British ‘Family.’”
Who will this child be someday? His parents—a black woman and an Asian man—conceived him in a contractual arrangement. His mother lives with a white woman. They have all three fulfilled their desire for parenthood, without viewing the child as a whole, as a social being.And by the way, what’s going on with the baby’s left ear? Is he not just part black and part Asian, but also part Vulcan? Or is he Rosemary’s Baby?
Since you asked about it, I think what you are seeing is the outline of the right hand of the person standing behind the Asian man. That hand is placed on his shoulder, mostly out of view, and the baby’s ear is silhouetted against it. It’s difficult to tell because the ear and the hand are of similar skin color.August 21 Paul K. writes:
Interesting that among the three adults, the biological father looks the most feminine. The white lesbian is quite mannish. Posted by Lawrence Auster at August 20, 2011 11:30 AM | Send Email entry |