From “genius” to “Jewish tribalist” in one step

On September 25, 2009, introducing his posting of a speech on how to defend the West from Islam which I had given earlier that year, Cesar Tort (a.k.a. Chechar) wrote at his site, The West’s Darkest Hour:

Larry Auster’s non-discriminatory principle

Lawrence Auster is a sort of genius. Unlike most people in the counter-jihad movement who are so myopic that they can only focus on Islam, Auster has exposed in the plainest, commonsensical English, the axiological principle that is destroying, and will finally destroy in the following decades, our beloved West.

Not long afterwards, having received the Anti-Semitic Revelation, Cesar changed the above to this, which is how it currently appears:

The Non-Discriminatory Principle

Lawrence Auster is a Jewish tribalist who prioritizes fighting “anti-Semitism” over white racial and cultural preservation. White nationalists must be aware of this. Nonetheless, unlike most people in the counter-jihad movement who are so myopic that they can only focus on Islam, Auster has exposed in the plainest, commonsensical English, the axiological principle that is destroying, and will finally destroy in the following decades, our beloved West.

Of course, what Tort actually means is that I prioritize fighting anti-Semitism over supporting anti-Semitism. Since white nationalists are anti-Semites who see the Jews as the sole or paramount cause of the ills of the white race, they see opposition to anti-Semitism as opposition to the white race, or, in this case, as a refusal to support the white race.

* * *

Note also that in the masthead of the original page at Cesar Tort’s site in which his praise of me appears, he calls for “a newly-revived West based upon non anti-Semitic White Nationalism,” a formulation he eliminated around the same time he changed me from a beneficial genius seeking to defend the West to a sinister Jewish tribalist seeking to destroy the West.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at September 18, 2011 09:30 AM | Send

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