His best is worse than worst

In an earlier entry today, I characterized the theme of Noemie Emery’s devastating article about Obama as, “The worst president in history.”

Here are some VFR entries from February 2009 and later about the bill that made Obama, in the first month of his presidency, the worst president in history:

Support for “stimulus” going south (Feb. 4, 2009)
The Democrats’ porkulus bill is to government spending what the Comprehensive Immigration Act of 2007, S.1348 (and, before it, its predecessor, S.2611), was to immigration: the most irresponsible and dishonest legislative proposal in the history of the universe….

A stab at a theory of Obama (Feb. 17, 2009)
… his support for the porkulus bill does tell us something substantial about him: that he’s utterly careless and irresponsible about the well-being of the United States, that he’s an unreconstructed and corrupt leftist who appropriates unprecedented amounts of money under false pretenses in order to enrich his friends and political supporters….

Right at the start of his messiahship, with one of the most consequential bills in history in the works, a measure to meet an emergency so dire that passage of the bill was the only alternative to “catastrophe,” he hands over the actual writing of the bill to a bunch of corrupt hacks. Meaning, he didn’t care that the supposedly absolutely essential stimulus bill would turn into the porkulus bill. Meaning, he didn’t even attempt to look honest, responsible, or statesmanlike….

The Idiot’s Guide to Porkulus (Feb. 10, 2009)
For those of us who like things spelled out nice and simple, Paul of Powerline usefully summarizes the main features of the House porkulus bill, based on a talk by John Cogan of the Hoover Institution (20 percent of the package went to temporary tax cuts; 30 percent to unemployment benefits and health insurance subsidies; 20 percent to education; and 20 percent to public works, with only 10 percent of that spent in the first year—they had to wait for later years to give more to companies like Solyndra…. )

Shocked into seriousness (Feb. 2, 2009)
The “stimulus” package is so horrible it stirs even shallow egotists out of their egotism …

The porkulus horror, the porkulus horror (Nov. 1, 2010)
If you thought your brain circuits were already blown out by the monstrosities of the 2009 porkulus bill, prepare for them to be blown out again. Stephen Meister writing in today’s New York Post reveals another whole dimension of porkulus: a vast set of transfer payments to individuals, including illegal aliens, in the form of tax credits.

Nothing like a failed and disastrous idea that will never die (Sept. 8, 2011)
And not only does it never die, it keeps being expanded. Earlier this week Rep. Maxine Waters in a TV interview called for “a jobs program of a trillion dollars or more.” Does she mean a trillion dollar jobs training program? Or a trillion dollar version of Porkulus? What differences does it make? The core belief of today’s Democrats is that ever-increased government spending is the source of ever-increasing human happiness.

- end of initial entry -

LA writes:

The title of this entry is a take-off on the line, “Her worst is better than best,” from the 1978 Bob Dylan song, “No Time to Think.” It was a mess of a song, but had that one good line in it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 02, 2011 07:55 PM | Send

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