Britain’s Human Rights Act has gotten so absurd that even the left-liberal “Conservative” government is calling for its reform

A reader in England sent a Leo McKinstry column, “The Human Rights Act has got to go.”

I replied:

Then you gotta leave the EU, man. That’s where it comes from. The EU passes these laws, and then the member states must adopt their own versions of those laws.

Oh a false clock tries
To tick out my time
To disgrace, diversify, and bother me.
And the wind of forced equality
Blows into my face
And the dust of inclusion covers me.

But if the arrow is straight
And the point is slick
It can pierce through the dust
No matter how thick.
So I’ll take my stand
And remain as I am
And bid farewell (to the EU)
And not give a damn.

(Bob Dylan, “Restless Farewell,” 1963, with slight adjustments)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 07, 2011 11:38 AM | Send

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