Husband and wife indicted in grisly murder of husband’s ex girlfriend and mother of two of his children
A reader sends this murder story from last summer. Grant Ruffin Hayes, 32, had two children by Laura Jean Ackerson, 27. The younger child is about a year old. In 2010, Hayes married Amanda Perry, 39. Then Hayes and Ackerson got into a heated custody dispute over their two born-out-of-wedlock children. Of course the idea of a custody battle involving a man who has never been married to the mother of his children is and ought to be ludicrous. In a sane society, a man who has never been married to the mother of his child has no legal rights over the child, and no legal obligations to the child. But in recent decades society has treated non-marital relationships as though they were marriages, with all the rights and responsibilities pertaining thereunto. Anyway, prosecutors charge that Grant and Amanda murdered Laura in Raleigh, North Carolina, then transported her body in a truck to Richmond, Texas, where they severed her body into multiple pieces and scattered them in a creek near the house owned by Amanda Hayes’s two sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes were arrested in July, and indicted in August.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 19, 2011 07:36 PM | Send Email entry |