Walesa not attending Occupy Wall Street after learning that it is—shock!—socialist

American conservative Adam Andrzejewski ‘splained Occupy Wall Street to Lech Walesa, and as a result the former Solidarity leader and Polish president will not be joining up with Occupy Wall Street after all. Last week I expressed my loss of admiration for Walesa when the news of his planned visit to the OWS demonstration was published.

Walesa’s aborted visit to New York to express his solidarity with Occupy Wall Street was of the same order as Michele Bachmann’s ill-fated hiring of Ed Rollins as her campaign manager. Don’t people in leadership positions today know anything beforehand about the persons and groups with whom they associate themselves?

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Joseph E. writes:

You wrote:

”Don’t people in leadership positions today know anything beforehand about the persons and groups with whom they associate themselves?”

This is fortunate for marginal and seedy characters across the political spectrum who can spend their whole working lives getting hired by politicians and public figures, then embarassing employers when their antecedents become known. I have an acquaintance pushing 70 who has been continuously employed by political campaigns, community organizations, etc. since his teens in spite of assault and drug convictions and a tendency to threaten his immediate supervisors.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at October 22, 2011 11:28 AM | Send

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