Anonymous sperm donors

Laura Wood has several posts on anonymous sperm donations, a practice that is seen as so immoral and anti-human that it is prohibited in much of the rest of the world, including even the Dead Island, while it remains entirely unregulated in the United States: Soulless Reproduction and Father Hunger, The Anonymous, Masturbating Father, and a sad personal story, Conceived in a Lab, Raised in a Loving Home.

- end of initial entry -

Laura Wood writes:

Thanks for the post.

Actually, these entries are related to a previous discussion in which a commenter argued that there is no evidence that children conceived through anonymous sperm donation (and raised by lesbians) are in any way harmed. I wrote that the practice of anonymous donation is so inhuman that studies which attempt to quantify the psychological damage are deeply wrong.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 06, 2011 08:17 AM | Send

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