The liberal paradise
Here’s a story about the world liberals have created, the world that has everything liberals want: no borders between countries, no borders around sexes, no lines between races and cultures, nothing defined and fixed, least of all human nature. A world of seven billion radically free, continuously self-reinventing selves. And where does it end up? Murder. A murder punished—and here’s the final touch completing the picture of liberal bliss—with a prison term of seven years.
From (naturally) the Daily Mail:
The transgender killer who pushed cross-dressing lawyer under a tube train
Updated 23rd December 2011

Pushed to her death: Senthooran Kanagasingham (left) has been jailed for seven years
for his fatal attack on his cross dressing friend David Burgess, known as Sonia
A transgender man who pushed his cross-dressing lawyer friend to her death under a Tube train has been jailed for seven years.
Senthooran Kanagasingham was undergoing sex-change treatment when he killed solicitor David Burgess, known as Sonia, at King’s Cross station in London.
The 35-year-old, who was known as Nina at the time of the attack, was a close friend of the solicitor who had befriended him at a bar and often visited her Soho flat.
Just an hour before Sonia was pushed in front of the train the leading human rights and immigration lawyer had taken Kanagasingham to a doctor because she was so worried about his mental state.
Brian Altman QC, prosecuting, said shocked rush-hour commuters had seen Kanagasingham push Sonia from the back.
A note found in Kanagasingham’s rucksack said he was ‘broke, depressed and suffering from gender dysphoria’.
He told the court Sonia was ‘gender-variant’ and had not wished to have surgery to become a woman, but to all intents and purposes outside her professional life, lived as a female.
This was ‘accepted and embraced’ by everyone, including her three children.
Kanagasingham, who came to UK from Sri Lanka in 2000, had been going through gender reassignment and would identify as a transsexual.
‘It had been his desire to pass completely as a woman.’ He met Sonia in a bar and was a frequent visitor to her Soho flat.
But Sonia had been wary because she feared the effects of hormones prescribed to Nina.
Doctors said Kanagasingham was back on medication and no longer required hospital treatment for paranoid schizophrenia.
Judge Stephen Kramer said Kanagasingham would have to serve a minimum of seven years. He told Kanagasingham the solicitor had been ‘a really good and generous friend to you’.
Mr Altman said divorced David Burgess had built ‘an enviable and brilliant reputation’ as a solicitor in human rights and immigration law.
He said: ‘However, socially, the deceased lived as a woman and was known by friends and family as Sonia.’
[end of article]
Seven years for murder. See what the commenters at the Daily Mail have to say.
But somehow I don’t think we’ll hear Bob Dylan plaintively singing (as he did about the semi fictionalized William Zanzinger who caused the death of Hattie Carroll),
Senthooran Kanagasingham
With a seven year sentence.
Doesn’t have the same ring, does it? And Senthooran Kanagasingham is of the wrong color to be symbol of cruelty and injustice.
- end of initial entry -
Ed H. writes:
This story is the perfect example of liberal cult of personal “freedom.” A cross dressing white English male attorney “Sonia” and his/her psychotic Sri Lankan client/lover/murderer. When I read a story like this I know that liberalism is going to end like some sort of suicide cult. A mass orgy of self destruction when the lies and delusions and paranoia cannot be sustained any longer. Think of Jonestown. Perhaps this is what we are witnessing in daily increments. We must keep our distance and not be surprised by anything that happens.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at December 27, 2011 09:48 AM | Send