Jennifer Rubin and Lucianne Goldberg wage all-out war on Gingrich

The second item in the Must Reads at this morning:

Gingrich is out for revenge
Washington Post, by Jennifer Rubin
Original Article
It is symptomatic of Newt Gingrich’s ego and the distorted view of the world which accompanies it that he is convinced his woes are traceable to ideological enemies who lie and cheat to prevent his wonderfulness from becoming available to the American people. It was Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s fault he was brought up on ethics charges. It is the mainstream media that distorts his own words. And it is Mitt Romney who had the temerity to point out Gingrich’s own record and embarrass him, which has robbed him of his golden opportunity.
Flop sweat loser stench hangs on Newt like stink around an outhouse in August. No one wants to be around him. Callista - take him home.

But the L-dotters aren’t buying it:

Reply 2 - Posted by: greggojo, 1/4/2012 10:41:37 PM (No. 8254533)

Jennifer Rubin should be ashamed of herself. She has written a veritable series of columns disingenuously attacking each and every political opponent of Mitt Romney. Her words drip with venom. I just cannot stand to read her columns anymore. Also, on television, she is most reminiscent of a hard left _itch (either letter fills the bill). Just an altogether terrible woman.

I wish we stopped posting her work on To say Mrs. Rubin is not a conservative, is a euphemism. She is nothing but an attack dog for Romney. And any hint of either rationality or objectivity is absent from her writing.

Gregorio doesn’t seem to notice that it’s not just Rubin’s words that drip venom, but those of the unnamed first commenter, who is either Lucianne Goldberg or one of her editors.

In her column, in which she posts a video of Gingrich’s statement after the Iowa vote, Rubin makes a valid point—that Gingrich is angry, and that angry men don’t win nominations. But her own characterizations of Gingrich are so over-the-top as to discredit her rather than the man she is seeking to discredit. Some samples:

I’ve frankly not seen a more self-destructive and mean spirited speech….

Gingrich is now too scary for most voters….

Romney knows Gingrich is unhinged….

It is useless to appeal to Gingrich rationally, for he is acting out of rage….

By way of disagreement, it seems to me that it’s is useless to appeal to Jennifer Rubin rationally, for she is acting out of rage, a raging desire to destroy everyone who stands in Romney’s path to the nomination.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 05, 2012 08:21 AM | Send

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