Rescued from libertarianism
Michael S. writes:
Kathlene M. wrote:
“I used to read NRO before I found your website. After that, I lost interest in the writing and opinions there, although I’ll sometimes visit NRO and check out the headlines.”
I can paraphrase that to reflect my own situation.
I used to read before I found your website. After that, I lost interest in the writing and most of the opinions there—along with the libertarian utopianism, chronic obsession with government evil (a fixation which I find to be debilitating and toxic), and the adolescent name-calling. (One writer there refuses to use the word “government”; he prefers “gunverment.” Get it? Clever, no? No, not really.) Unlike Kathlene M. and NRO, I do not sometimes visit and check out the headlines. I did that a few times, and every time I did, I was sorry. I realized I wasn’t missing anything.
Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 29, 2012 03:31 PM | Send