Levin against Romney

Mark Levin, like me, is appalled by Romney’s all-out slanders of Gingrich, slanders multiplied by Romney’s campaign millions. He writes that Romney will have so divided the GOP with his anything-goes attacks on Gingrich that he will be unable to unite the GOP if he is nominated. Levin has all but given up on a Republican presidential victory and says that the main effort must be to increase the number of Republican seats in the Congress.

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Roger G. writes:

“Levin has all but given up on a Republican presidential victory and says that the main effort must be to increase the number of Republican seats in the Congress.”

Good grief good grief good grief. This was the very point on which he mocked and ridiculed me when I called in after McCain secured the nomination.

LA replies:

Here is the incident, as Roger described it at VFR in December 2008:

Back in the spring, after McCain had secured the nomination, I called in [to Levin’s program] and stated that I thought conservatives should treat both nominees as opponents, and concentrate our efforts on the federal, state, and local races. To my shock, he was vicious and abusive in his response…. Among his insults, he asked if I thought I was Karl Rove; I wish I had thought to ask if it was unacceptable to raise a political issue on a political show, but I am not a fast thinker. And it had never occurred to me that he would act this way toward a caller who was polite, and was trying to present what—to me—still seems to have been a legitimate topic for discussion.
—end of initial entry—

January 30

Sage McLaughlin writes:

I admit to being a little taken aback by Roger’s comment that “it had never occurred to me that [Levin] would act this way toward a caller who was polite … ” I must ask, had Roger never listen to the show before calling? If there is any single quality that defines Levin’s show, it is his needlessly vicious and nasty barking at every caller who disagrees with him on any subject, however minor the disagreement. He shouts, he yells, he calls names, he berates and abuses his callers. This is what Levin does with practically any caller whose comment does not boil down to, “Bought your book and loved it, Mark.”

My advice to Roger: If someone named Michael Phelps ever challenges you to a race, bring some swim trunks. :-)

Sage continues:

What I meant was, yelling insults is to Levin as swimming is to Michael Phelps. It’s what they do, and they’re famous for it.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at January 29, 2012 10:13 PM | Send

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