The British asylum judge who has taken “Turn ‘em Loose Bruce” to whole new level

Leo McKinstrey on Britain’s human-rights fiasco, in which judges decide cases, not on the basis of any similacrum of justice, but on the basis of sticking it to decent British people and empowering aliens and criminals, particularly foreign criminals and terrorists whom the judges will not allow the government to deport or to jail, but orders them to be released, like the notorious Abu Qatada. McKinstrey says the government should ignore the judge’s rulings and deport the foreign criminals.

The face of a decadent country: Mr. Justice Blake,
president of Britain’s Upper Tribunal and Asylum Chamber

* * *

If you’re unfamiar with “Turn ‘em loose Bruce,” that is a reference to Bruce Wright, a New York City judge who became notorious in the 1980s for releasing violent black criminals. You may not believe this, but I did not know at the time that he was black. I only found that out years later. He was a hero to the black community for resisting the “racist” justice system.

By the way, the Wikipedia article on Wright is written from an approving, leftist point of view and does not even reference the acts he was most famous for. It just lauds him for standing up for the oppressed and the blacks and so on.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 16, 2012 12:10 PM | Send

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