What to do about Iran

You may have noticed that in the last couple of months I have posted nothing on the debate about Iran and nuclear weapons, despite the fact that it’s been hotter than ever. The reason is that I am tired of the issue, which I blogged about repeatedly in earlier years—even as the West continued its patently delusional sanctions and negotiations, and even as Iran continued its nuclear program despite those sanctions and negotiations, and even as Israeli (and sometimes U.S.) sources repeatedly leaked reports that Israel (or the U.S.) had the means and readiness to destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities, and even as none of those reports ever panned out.

I can’t bear following the meaningless saga any longer or repeating the obvious any longer. Either Israel and/or the U.S. use military force to destroy Iran’s nuke program (an action I consider imperatively necessary), or they don’t.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at February 19, 2012 06:49 PM | Send

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