Romney supports statehood for Puerto Rico

For many years, Democrats have in lockstep supported Puerto Rican statehood. Republicans have generally opposed it. Conservatives have of course opposed it.

Today’s NY Times reports:

Mr. Santorum remained more or less neutral on the most controversial subject here—whether Puerto Rico should become a state, an issue that is on the November ballot. Mr. Romney has taken a more aggressive posture in signaling support of statehood, which is what has earned him the support of Gov. Luis G. Fortuno and others.

So Romney wants a Spanish speaking country, culturally a part of Latin America, and sharing the same resentments of the United States that the rest of Latin America harbors, to become of state of the United States. The only thing that has saved us so far from the disaster of Puerto Rican statehood is that the people of Puerto Rico themselves prefer their Commonwealth status, evidently because it allows them to feed off the U.S. Treasury.

Let us also remember that Romney has no problema with the homosexualization of the U.S. military. He has said he would not seek to reverse what the Congress did in December 2010.

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 16, 2012 12:07 PM | Send

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