“I Still Miss Someone”

Here is a unique and beautiful performance by Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan of Cash’s song, “I Still Miss Someone.” The combination of Cash’s grave, serious, soulful bass with Dylan’s smooth and innocently boyish yet still eccentrically Dylanesque tenor is amazing. I know the recording well, as it was among the ten casettes that a Dylan fan created for me about 30 years ago of Dylan outtakes and concert performances, years before they became commercially available.

Based on Dylan’s Nashville Skyline-style vocalizing, I assume the recording is from around 1969.

(Recommendation: Do not look at the Youtube window as the song is going on—it’s got the usual chaotic melange of distracting and inappropriate-to-the-song photos of the singers, that horrible “custom” that had its beginnings with MTV. Turn away from your computer, or black out the screen, and just listen.)

Posted by Lawrence Auster at March 30, 2012 12:47 PM | Send

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